711H RoR Heat Detector - Marine - 516.900.103
The 711H is an A1R heat detector that uses both rate-of-rise and 60°C static temperature sensing, where the fixed element provides a backstop for fires in which the temperature builds up gradually.
The built-in microprocessor in each 700 series detector provides significantly improved detection algorithms. These algorithms are equivalent to non-Fast logic in our Gen6 detectors and offer the same detection performance and false alarm rejection.
Key Features
- Marine Approvals
- Designed for fast, easy installation
- Drop-in replacement for 600 series
- Compatible with 4B, 4B-D, 5B and 5B-D bases
- Low profile and discreet design
- Approval to EN54, LPCB standards, including EN54-29
- Microprocessor based threshold compensation
- Improved detection algorithms